
Discover how architectural education and professional practice is expected to change in the 1990’s as advanced computer technology finds its way into classrooms, studios and offices. To illustrate how these new and increasingly popular technologies might be used, we’ve created six different scenarios. The first five focus on academic life within a typical American school of Architecture. The sixth focuses on professional practice.

Scenario #1: Second Year Design Studio
Share the experience of being second year architectural students in the year 2000 as they master the basics of design using advanced CAD technology. (Read more)

Scenario #2: History Studio
Learn why the introduction of advanced CAD technology into the classroom is likely to expand the use of historical precedent. (Read more)

Scenario #3: Advanced Design Studio
See how a team of 4th year students make use of advanced communication and CAD technology as they compete in a prestigious national design competition. (Read more)

Scenario #4: Support Classes
Learn why the role of support classes in an architectural curriculum is likely to change as advanced CAD technology becomes widespread. (Read more)

Scenario #5: The Faculty
Join a senior architectural faculty member as he remembers how his job changed when advanced CAD technology was first introduced into his classroom.(Read more)

Scenario #6: The Profession
Follow a team of design professionals as they use advanced collaboration and CAD technologies to manage the construction of a large theater complex. (Read more)

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